I wanted Ultra Magnus to be so cool. I finally got him one Christmas.
He was so very shit.
As I type this, BILLIONS are being spent on buying up…….err, BILLIONS of Flu vaccinations in the hope that they will make us all feel like our respective governments love us very much, and are doing something to protect us from the horror that is H1N1. The horrific virus that has so far claimed the lives of about 1500 people worldwide, and made countless others take days off work. I’m not trying to make light of these deaths, my sisters have both contracted and beaten the virus, I’m just amazed at how quickly this huge mobilization to buy up vaccinations has occured. Flu vaccines in the past have made very little impact to the spread of the virus, and have certainly done less to contain it than hand washing and common sense has.
It just feels like WHO and the world have been itching for a pandemic for ages, and now they’ve got their wish. Now all these agencies look very important as they race to save us from the nasty germs. First it was SARS, then Avian Flu. Sadly, these two failed to play ball and quietly whimpered away. Step in H1N1……. Piggy Flu. A much needed distraction from the worst economic climate in a century, and a much needed shot in the arm (Pun not only intended, but I actually high-fived myself) for the drugs companies that normally don’t make much money from seasonal Flu vaccines.
How many people die each year from smoking related illnesses?
Or dirty water?
Or guns?
Yet on the (sad and untimely) deaths of a few thousand people, the world is throwing billions away on vaccines that have NO proven worth against a virus that so far has killed less than ordinary influenza kills each year. This virus just appears to have a better press agent than the ordinary Flu. Call me cynical, but unless the governments know something that we don’t about this virus, then it just smacks of them doing something for the sake of it. Yes, the virus could still mutate and become deadlier than it has been. But guess what? Nearly every virus mutates, some get stronger, some get weaker, yet we seem to have picked this one as the biggie because it likes cheap air fares and people that are too busy to wash their hands after they tinkle.
I have no idea what I am trying to say? And I’m not a doctor (although for all you know, I am), I’m just fed up of being told ‘Don’t panic! We’ve got the vaccines on back-order! Now can you stay alive until next June?’
I don’t mind them doing things to protect us, that’s what they’re supposed to do, I just think that, sadly, the vaccines will do little but reassure us that everyone is doing everything that can be done to keep us safe. If that is the intention, then maybe the billions are being well spent?
I am the one that eats crisps through the film
Kicks your seat with my feet
Says loudly ‘He’s a ghost at the end’
And ‘I saw it last week’.
You’re the one that won’t stand for the elderly
when you’re sat on the train
Playing with your iPod
Oh, goody! Rammstein again!
I’m the one that cuts you up at the lights
You honk at the near-miss
I say ‘Fuck you, you twat’
‘You want some of this???’
You’re the one that lets your kid run wild
shouting, screaming, but you’re not to blame
‘They’re just having fun!’
‘Yeah? From that noise, they should be in pain’.
I’m the one that rides my bike wherever the fuck I want
Cycle lane, park, pavement, through your living room
Dare tut at me and it’s ‘Fuck you, you car driving, pedestrian bastard!’
Then with a tingle of my bell, off again I zoom.
You’re the one that answers your phone at the checkout
Saying ‘I’m just buying some juice’ or ‘Gosh! was Scott there?’
You think we all need to hear?
You think any of US care?
I’m the one that loves to go the beach
have my fun, leave litter behind.
Broken beer bottles? No problem for me.
They’re for other children to find.
You’re the one that tries to ruin my party
telling me it’s 1.00am, you have work at 8.
‘I pay my rent, you unreasonable jerk,
just go in a bit late.’
I’m the one that lets my dog poo wherever she wants
where you and others will step in it.
I don’t see your problem?
But I won’t touch that shit.
You’re the one that drives me fucking nuts with your constant rudeness.
If I speak up, you complain
about MY bad manners,
yet we are all the same.
Is it wrong that I sometimes get into a panic about using all the toilet paper on the roll? Just hear me out. I am currently sharing an apartment with another human being. One that I love dearly, and that person also uses toilet paper now and then. One that (quite reasonably) expects me to change the empty toilet roll and replace it with a new one as and when my arse sees fit to do it’s “Brown Baron” impersonation and commences with its bombing run on the bog. Recently. I seem to have decided that I actually don’t like the whole pavlova of taking the old roll off, going to the cupboard, putting the new roll on, and putting the empty one in the recycling bin. It appears that I’m a bit of a lazy so and so?
Who knew?
Anyway, recently, while pooing and wiping, I seem to have gone to great lengths to make sure that I don’t use all the bog paper while on “my shift”. To the point where the other day, I left a quarter of a sheet of 2-ply on the tube and I’m pretty sure that that comes dangerously close to being classed as “using all the loo roll”. But in my Ally McBeal brain, I have rationalised that if there is still some paper on there, then that roll hasn’t run out, and therefore, I don’t have to be the one to go through the pullover of changing the roll.
So why then do I feel like Groomie is going to kick my arse if I keep getting away with this?