Saturday, 24 March 2012

Camper Van

Camper Vans often have dynamic or "adventurous" names or titles, but I saw one today that was called the "FireStorm".

Now I'm not big on the world of Camper Van manufacturing, but I'm not sure if that's the best name for a vehicle that you are meant to sleep in.

Just imagine settling down for the night, tucked into your sleeping bag, or maybe a duvet if you're lower-middle class, and blissfully dozing off inside your vehicle named the "FIRESTORM".

Dreaming about whether you connected the gas cylinder properly? Is there a working smoke alarm in the van? Will the smoke alarm give you enough time to be able to exit the "FIRESTORM"? And can you unlock the door successfully while your entire body is on fire.

Still, at least you didn't buy the "Gassed Alive", "KA-BOOM!" or "Brakes Sure To Fail" model.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

I'm Rambling Again

I have a cold at the moment.

It's alright. I don't want sympathy or anything. I'm sure I'll be fine.

Why do people always say things like "There's something nasty going around.."
And why is there never anything nice going around? Why can't you catch a virus and the major side-effect is better eyesight, or more energy, or a greater capacity to taste wine and cheese?

And what's with "sinister plots". Why is it that whenever you hear of a plot being described in a movie or book, it's always sinister or nefarious? You never hear of a generous or kind plot.

"Two rogue FBI agents go undercover and discover a compassionate plot to rebuild an orphanage...."

Sunday, 11 March 2012



Or something like that. Think of a dramatic sound effect.

Last night I dreamt that a star or something had emitted a beam of radiation (or something), which resulted in the Earth being hit by said beam (of something), resulting in one half of the Earth being irradiated, or at the very least severely messed up.

In my dream, it left all animals dead, but for some reason, not plant life.

So the half of the planet that took the full brunt ( I don't think I've ever had to type "brunt" before) of the beam was killed instantly (-ish), leaving the remaining half and myself to try to struggle through in our now post-apocalyptic, and rather roomy new world.

I remember there being lots of news reports about various governments laying claim to several now uninhabited countries, as well as people trying to work out what to do with all of the dead bodies.

At one stage, I volunteered to help out with the clean up operation (which really doesn't sound like something I would do, so it could only have been a dream), and I just remember stacking bricks and collecting rags from streets and wherever I could find them. Just how this was supposed to rebuild a country, I have no idea.

House prices went down.