Friday 12 October 2012

Thursday 4 October 2012

Dog Blog

Well, well, well.

The dog was leaking blood from his penis. I collect a urine sample and submit it to the vet.

I pay £16 to have it tested.

The vet contacts me.

It's tested positive for blood in his urine.

When pushed for a more definitive diagnosis, the vet said "To be honest, it could be anything."

Bravo, vet. Bravo.

So, the vet gives me a prescription for some antibiotics, and the very instant, the very instant I committed to purchasing them, the dog stops bleeding from his penis.

It's like the dog is working with the vet.

It's good news though. Nobody likes their dog to be ill or bleeding. And nobody likes following their dog around with a bit of tissue paper all the time.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Monday 1 October 2012

Dog Blog

Today, I was literally taking the the vets!

Got the sample. That was easier than I thought.
I waited for his first pee of the day, and quickly shoved a plastic cup under there. Quite skillful I might add. Reminiscent of acquiring a Sprite refill.

I then transferred it to the only small container that I had. An old glass spice jar. The kind with the screw on lid.

It worked fine. Ok, Billy might test positive for cinnamon, but it should be ok.

Dropped the sample off. Awaiting news.

Dog still leaking blood.
