I know that in the world of motor vehicles, People Carriers are quite "in" right now. What a stupid name for a car. When have you ever seen a car, truck or van that isn't a people carrier?
Tony: 'Hiya Frank, how's the new car?'
Frank: 'Oh it's super! We should have bought one of these years ago.'
Tony: 'It's one of those new people carriers isn't it?'
Frank: 'Yup! Best investment I've ever made.'
Tony: 'What type did you have before?'
Frank: 'One of those cars where you had to walk along beside it.'
Tony: 'We've got one that you have to walk behind. We used to have one that you walked in front of, but 2 of the kids weren't quick enough and they got run over.'
Frank: 'Oh?'
Tony: 'Yeah, well they weren't really walking age. With hindsight we probably should have been carrying them, but y'know what with shopping and stuff. The manufacturer recalled them in the end.
Frank: 'Bloody health and safety gone mad.'
Tony: 'So that just leaves Tony Jr. He started at high school last month.'
Frank: 'How's he getting on?'
Tony: 'OK. But he's been getting into trouble for arriving late these last couple of weeks.'
Frank: 'Well it's a long walk to the school from where you live innit.'
Tony: 'Yeah. We got him a pushbike, thinking it would help, but he said pushing it the 6 miles to school and back just wears him out.'
Frank: 'Has he tried riding it?'
Tony: 'It's called a push bike, Frank.'
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