Monday, 6 February 2012

Last Night's Dream


I dreamt that I was inside a large office building that was slowly being invaded by peanuts. Think of it as my "standard" Zombie-scenario type dream, where I have to barricade myself inside either a room or building, in order to escape from some sort of threat from outside.

Well this time it was peanuts and not Zombies.

Huge waves of peanuts flooding in through broken windows or cracks in doors.

I eventually managed to make my way to the top floor of the building, but was prevented from escaping onto the roof by a complex locking mechanism on the skylight. Apparently it had three slots for what looked like medals or medallions. Yes, that's right. My dream was borrowing from PlayStation games.

I don't know if you've ever played any of the Resident Evil games, but many of the rooms are locked and can only be opened with medals, crystals or keys that can only be obtained after you have performed various tasks.

The lab in Resident Evil can only be entered by collecting a number of medals. Some of which can only be obtained through the smashing of statues, burning of paintings, and solving of cryptic puzzles.

How the hell did the lab staff ever manage to get to work on time?

"Sorry I'm late for my shift Tom. But the Moon medal was in the statue, and I think Kerry smashed it and got that. As you know, without all of the medals, you can't open the main door to the lab."

"That's alright Dave, it once took me a whole week to get back in here after I accidentally left my car keys in my office. Wait! If Kerry has the Moon medal, how did you manage to get in?"

"I ate my way through the steal door. It seemed quicker and I just couldn't be arsed with the whole back and forth any longer."

"Oh fair enough."

Anyway, I woke up juuuuuust as the peanuts had broken into the room and were beginning to swarm towards me.

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