Sunday, 30 September 2012

Fostering a something or other?

I guess I should change the heading to "Adopting a Dog", as I've somehow adopted the adorable little monster.

He has some "behavioural" issues and a few personality quirks that wouldn't be out of place with someone who wears a hockey mask and carry's a machete. But I love him.

He's family now. And like all families, there's always one member that can snap and turn violent at a moment's notice.

He's an incredibly sweet guy inside the house, but outside, I think he finds the whole world a bit scary and he doesn't have enough experience of things to understand that not every passing old lady with a walking stick is going to attack him.

After a stressful visit to the vet (the one that the dog rescue place made me use), the vet advised the charity to have him put to sleep, as he'd shown some aggression (the dog, not the vet).

So, after a bit of BS from the charity about how they were going to "Assess him", I decided that I would adopt him (again, the dog, not the vet). This then set into motion a whole lot of back and forth, which has sadly meant that I will NEVER..........EVER have anything to do with this particular dog rescue again. What a pain in the arse it was.

So, I have a dog. A dog with more health problems than all of the other dogs that I've ever owned. And they're dead.

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