Tuesday, 7 May 2013


My neighbour is watching a documentary on Michael Crawford. If I go to the bathroom, I can enjoy it too, it's that loud. My neighbour is quite deaf and for some reason likes to watch movies and TV into the early hours. He always has his bedroom windows open too, so we can all share in his viewing enjoyment.

The Westerns are the worst.

Nothing but whooping, galloping, gunshots, and the occasional cry of "Hank!"....

Anyway, I'm stood, sorry STANDING there, brushing my teeth and enjoying the commentary about Michael Crawford, when the programme mentions Condorman and how it wasn't well received. I almost, almost shouted out of the window "I love that film!"

I've gotta watch that.

My shouting out loud, not the film.

I'd rather avoid the film now if I may?

I have too many happy memories of it. No good can come of watching it now. Why would I want to? I remember it as being brilliant. How can seeing it again make it any better? It might turn out to be like the time I revisited the "Masters of the Universe" cartoon.

Amazing when you're ten. A pile of pants when you're twenty ten.

And those awful morals and safety lessons at the end of each episode. In one, He-Man teaches some kids how to cross the road safely. There's a road with traffic! On Eternia! When, during all the battles with Skeletor or Hordak, did He-Man ever get stuck in traffic or use a road? A junction?


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