Friday 7 January 2011

SRT: The Devil

Slightly random thought:

If the Devil is traditionally the father of lies and is only interested in deceiving and tempting mankind, wouldn't it be more likely that he created the contents of the Bible?

I mean, isn't it a bit strange that he hasn't published his own book? To throw us off the right track. For all we know, maybe we're angering God by being nice to each other and we are supposed to covet thy neighbour's water buffalo (or whatever it is). What if we're supposed to be evil to get into heaven? What if we spend our entire lives being good and kind and when we die, discover that God is very pissed off and that Satan has tricked us all?

I have heard it said that fossils and Dinosaur bones are just rocks, put there by Satan to test our faith. So if he did that, isn't it just as possible that the bones are real, but he made the Bible up? If God made the Dinosaurs first (well, technically slime first), maybe God is a giant T-Rex? Maybe he's a big fan of killing?

Anyway, all of this is irrelevant as God and the Devil are about as likely to exist as Harry Potter, except there's more proof of the existence of Harry Potter.

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